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Blog posts tagged with '6 volt battery'

Golf Cart Batteries

Golf Cart Batteries

I get calls daily about needing batteries for their golf cart. Of course, I need to know if they have a 36- or 48-volt cart? Almost every time the answer is, I don’t know or well, I know it’s 6 of them. A lot of times the answer is on the charger but not always.

Today we’re going show you how to simply raise your seat and with just looking at the top of your battery you’ll be able to know exactly what you have.

The most common electric cart on the market is a 36 volt which takes a 6-volt battery. Knowing you have 6 of them is when the math takes place. In this case if you have a 6-volt battery and there’s 6 of them, it’s 6-volt x 6-batteries = 36 volts.

A 6-volt battery has 3 water fill holes looking at the top of the battery. (Below is a 6-volt battery)   

                  [6 Volt Battery]                                                                                      [3 Water Fill Holes]



The next type in most cases is a 48-volt system golf cart. Once again you can check the same way by simply lifting your seat and take a look at the batteries and if you have 6 batteries then the same math applies, 6 x the volt. On a 8 volt battery you will see 4 water fill holes. (Below is a 8 volt battery)


                          [8 Volt Battery]                                                                                                         [4 Water Fill Holes]


Now in some cases you’re going to raise your seat and only see 4 batteries which uses a 12-volt battery that have 6 water fill holes and the same math is applied again. 4 x 12 = 48 volts (Below is a 12 volt battery)

   [12 Volt Battery]


We hope this helps you out on knowing what volt batteries you have for your golf cart. Always feel free to give us a call with any tech help you may need on your cart –   276.632.8905